Monday, January 18, 2010

Words and Melody

"Its never been easy for me to find words to go along with a melody"

It is always never been easy for anything. Life isn't about getting it right but to be what you want to be. Maybe I am wrong for some people but I am no wrong for myself because at the end of the day, I return as myself.

It is not about how much it takes to sacrifice the ego
It is not about how much i do or spent for this
It is not about how much lie I have to listen
What have been said or done is past
It is about to look forward and see the future
Because love is about to give and to take
Because love is about to forgive and forget
Because love is about being stupid
And love shall erase the past
The question is all about
The End or The Beginning

But that's something on my please forgive those few brief awkward lines.